Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

That's me for the next week trying to prepare for the launch of my new shop!  If any of you have the Sandra Boynton kids cds, my theme song is the busy song.  "I'm very, very busy cause I have a lot to do and I do not have the time now to explain it all to you. . . "  Have you heard it?  He sings it super fast to emphasize the busyness, lol!  Anyway, I still had time to put together a word art freebie for you.  Somehow I squeezed it in!  Enjoy!

Happy Scrappin'


mclaflin said...

This is so cool! Thanks!

Pattycakes said...

Thank you! Thank you! :)

Phyldar said...

Thank you so much for this marvelous word art!

Juli and Brett said...

thanks so much!!!

Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog and love it! You have a great talent and super kit style! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

like this! thanx a bunch!!